Application for certification

Service description

This service is used for certification of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles for direct import.

Every small-scale importer who imports a new passenger car or light commercial vehicle into Switzerland and wishes to register it requires a certificate for registration. With this certificate, the SFOE confirms that the rights and obligations under the CO2 emissions regulations for new vehicles have been fulfilled for registration of the vehicle. The certificate can be requested with this 'Application for certification' process.

At what point does a penalty have to be paid?
If a small-scale importer is subject to a penalty, this must be paid before the vehicle is first registered in Switzerland. Therefore, regardless of whether or not a penalty is due, the 'Application for certificate' process must in any case be carried out. 

Can vehicles be assigned to others?
Small-scale importers have the possibility of transferring their carbon emissions to a large-scale importer. This way they can reduce the penalties due, and a bonus may apply for vehicles with low carbon emissions.

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Contact for support

Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Pulverstrasse 13
3063 Ittigen