Overview site FAQ

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Are facilities that do not have a waste disposal licence registered in veva-online?

Can I save my search filters?

Can I, as a canton, register a site?

Does each vacuum truck have to be entered individually on the eGovernment portal?

 How can a disposal company (organisation) authorise another company (also registered as an organisation) to act on its behalf for its waste disposal facility (site) so as to enter data, manage the master data and perform associated services for that site? 

How can I apply for a site and a company number?

How can I apply for a waste disposal licence for special waste and other waste subject to regulatory controls according to the Ordinance on Movements of Waste (OMW, SR 814.610)?

How can I edit my data myself if my waste generating company has been registered by the waste disposal company?

How can I edit waste codes?

How can I make changes or add more waste types in the future?  

How can I, as a waste management company, register a site for a customer as waste generating company?

How is the organisation notified if cantonal employees make changes to the site?

If I want to make changes to a waste generating company or waste disposal facility, do I need to enter these changes both in the 'Waste and Resources' portal and on the veva-online platform?

Is it possible to enter a site in the system without an organisation?

What is a waste disposal facility?

What is a waste generating company?  

What is the difference between 'Reject site' and 'Decline site'?

What is the process for landfills that include several different types of landfill?

What should be done with migrated sites that did not have a waste disposal facility type in veva-online?

Where are the addresses from the DETEC eGovernment portal stored in veva-online?

Where can I find a site that has already been registered?

Who is responsible for approving my site?

Why do I need to add a site?

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