
Here you will find information on changes to the waste and raw materials services in connection with veva-online.

Which messages does veva-online stand for?

You can continue to use veva-online to report special waste [S] and other waste subject to regulatory controls with mandatory accompanying documentation [akb], as well as notifications and accompanying documentation in transboundary movements.
New waste generating companies, waste disposal facilities and exporters as well as changes to existing organisations and sites are entered in the DETEC eGovernment portal and synchronised with veva-online.

What's new?

You can now manage information about your organisation and associated sites (operating licences, waste codes, contact information, etc.) or exporters in the DETEC eGovernment portal. The data entered will be synchronised with veva-online.

From the 2022 reporting period, other waste subject to regulatory controls without mandatory accompanying documentation (ak) must be recorded with the 'Annual waste reporting' or 'Annual waste reporting for several sites' service in the DETEC eGovernment portal instead of, as previously, in veva-online.

How do I get access to veva-online?

If you have already used veva-online before the DETEC eGovernment Portal was launched, you can log in with your existing user name and password.

If you have entered a new site on the DETEC eGovernment portal, you must apply separately to the relevant cantonal office for access to veva-online. You will then receive an email at the address you have registered with veva-online.

In the eGovernment portal, users are stored according to organisation. One user can also administer several sites if necessary. In veva-online, users are stored according to site.

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